May Garden Coaching
I have been doing this thing.
I’m calling it Joyful Year and each month I am sharing my garden on YouTube (you can watch the videos here) AND I am doing a monthly garden coaching.
Each month I share a different way you can improve your garden. Ways to make small changes every month that add up to you creating a garden that you really love.
In March the topic was: Planting Beautiful Pots
and in April we talked about Family Gardens.
In this blog post I want to touch on some of the topics of the talk but I won’t go into too much detail.
(If you want to watch last months talk email me on I don’t usually share them with people who weren’t at the talk but just this once I will make an exception)
Focus for the Month of May
Every month of The Joyful Year has a different focus and intention.
For May we talked about using the word Purpose to help focus decision making about the garden.
We also looked at how to create Family Gardens that are lovely places to relax for parents and places to inspire the kids.
I ADORE this quote!
“Gardens are a great escape TO reality”
Alan Titchmarsh says this a lot and I love it! Gardens aren’t an escape FROM reality - what could be more real than a tree or a butterfly?!?
These are very real things much more real than many of our social media induced anxiety!
So next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed, why not escape to the reality of the garden?!?
Children’s Needs
In the talk I touched on children’s essential needs and how the garden is the PERFECT environment to meet those needs.
Many of our children spend most days at school followed by adult organised activities which may meet the need for 1. Physical Development and 3. Social Interaction
HOWEVER, time in the garden they can follow a bee as it buzzes around the garden (meeting need 2.), build a little leaf pile house for a frog (4.) and then hide in their little den to let the day sink in (5.)
Seeds to Grow with Kids
These are some of the seeds that bring the most joy and excitement to kids!
Peas are just too yummy to pick and eat in the garden (even my kids who will NOT touch a cooked pea LOVE this)
Cosmos just flower for so long AND they flower more if you pick them so kids can make as many bouquets as they want
Amaranth easy to grow from seeds and the birds LOVE them. What’s more fun than growing your own bird food?!?
Pumpkins why not grow your very own halloween pumpkin this year?
Flowers of the Month
These are my flowers of the month for May
Thank you for reading my post. I always appreciate it when you take the time to stop by. I hope it has been helpful! Any thoughts please email me and let me know
Fancy joining my June Garden coaching session? The topic will be: Creating Lovely Spaces to Sit in Your Garden
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